Force Multiply
Revenue Growth & Profitability with Data

H2K Labs is a tech-enabled consulting company that helps B2B information businesses accelerate revenue growth and profitability using advanced data analytics and insights.
Please select the time and day that works best for you to conduct a complimentary consultation with Heather Holst-Knudsen, CEO, H2K Labs.

Make Revenue Growth Scalable, Predictable, and Efficient

Scale Customer Delivery and Accelerate Time to ROI

Remove Process Inefficiencies and Improve Unit-Level Profitability

Monetize Data to Innovate Revenue Streams and Launch New Ones

Force Multiply Revenue Growth & Profitability with Data

H2K Labs is a tech-enabled consulting company and data analytics platform provider serving media, event and digital information businesses.

Make Revenue Growth Scalable, Predictable, and Efficient

Scale Customer Delivery and Accelerate Time to ROI

Remove Process Inefficiencies and Improve Unit-Level Profitability

Monetize Data to Innovate Revenue Streams and Launch New Ones

Key Services

Extracting Maximum Value From Your Data

Growth Strategy

Leveraging our experience in data-complex business environments, expertise in revenue growth and value creation, and familiarity with analytics solutions, H2K Labs helps clients optimize and activate their most valuable asset - data - to drive top and bottom-line growth.

Enterprise Data Strategy

In an era of growing data and modernization, a strong enterprise data strategy is crucial for business growth and innovation. We can help you develop and implement a comprehensive data strategy regardless of your level of readiness.


Insightify is a cutting-edge data intelligence cloud for executives who lack real-time visibility into critical data across divisions. With Insightify, executives can swiftly align their organization, empower teams to use data for risk management and opportunity capture, and integrate data-driven decision-making into their daily workflow.

Channel Metrics

Channel Metrics is a unified campaign and demand management platform that helps media and event organizers eliminate manual reporting and spreadsheets required to support your customers' advertising and lead generation programs.

Get enterprise-grade solutions and experienced consultants

Contact us today

Why choose H2K Labs

Heather and the H2K Labs team were exceptional to work with. Heather is a revenue animal and stays focused on practical, action-oriented, profit-creating ideas. She impressed our entire management team with her extremely businesslike approach and relevant observations.

Mitch Rouda
Chief Strategy Officer, Farm Journal

The work H2K Labs took off our plate and the knowledge they brought to the table, enabling us to find the perfect technology partner was invaluable. This allowed our team to stay focused on our core competencies while allowing H2K Labs to focus on theirs.

Susan Newman
SVP Conferences, National Retail Federation

I worked with Heather while I was COO of Bisnow. Heather worked around the clock and delivered key milestones ahead of the deadline and above expectations. It was as if she was a key member of the executive team for the entire duration of the project.

Francesco De Camilli
Global VP Revenue, Valve

Heather Holst-Knudsen

Heather Holst-Knudsen has a rich heritage in the B2B world. She has worked at leading companies such as Miller Freeman (now Informa), IDG (now Foundry), and her family business, Thomas Publishing Company. With extensive operational and leadership experience in media and events, she assumed leadership roles in divisions such as Managing Automation and Techmatch and was the founder of Manufacturing Executive, Manufacturing Leadership Council, and Manufacturing Leadership Summit. Heather established H2K Labs in 2018, helping media, events, and digital information businesses extract maximum value from data to drive top and bottom-line growth.

Data-driven companies are 22% more profitable than their peers
Reliable analytics lead to 32% higher customer retention
Employee satisfaction is nearly 30% higher for organizations with accurate forecasting